11 October 08 - 00:15Ckheck This Out
Hey there,
I'm pumped because finally someone is cutting through all the
crap and getting down to the nitty gritty.
His name is Jermaine Griggs and he's finally revealing how he
took $70 and built a multi-million dollar business, (get
this...), teaching people how to play piano by ear.
But you may have heard all this already. After all, his story
has been featured all over the internet for the past 5 years.
What I'm stoked about is what he's going to be revealing in his
new Nitty Gritty Marketing Private Access Club.
Check out some of these video titles and descriptions from his
club (I'm going to copy and paste what he sent me below)...
From Jermaine
[E-mail address withheld]
Here are some of the videos you'll find in my Nitty Gritty
Marketing Private Access Club:
* [VIDEO] The evolution of my company from a $500/month to a